Bollywood actress Madhubala, the most beautiful actress in the world. If you are searching for Madhubala Color Pictures or actress Madhubala color photos, We have brought rare Madhubala color pic, by seeing these color pictures of Madhubala you will fall in love with her.
Madhubala Color Photos, Images, Pics, HD Wallpapers | Stunning Color Pictures of Madhubala
Madhubala color photo, images, pics |
Madhubala (original name Mumtaz Jehan Dehlavi) was born on 14 February 1933 in Delhi. She started her film career with the 1942 film Basant. The film was quite successful but despite this, she had to work very hard to get recognition. When she got recognition, she never looked back. She appeared in 73 Bollywood films in a career spanning over two decades. Madhubala died at the age of 36 on 23 February 1969.
Discover a collection of never-seen pictures of the actress Madhubala, considered as one of the most beautiful women in the world.
Looking at this picture, it seems that it is an old photoshoot by Madhubala for a magazine. |
Apart from this, She had another serious disease in which blood started to form in his body more than the required amount, and this blood used to come out of his nose and mouth. Madhubala was so besieged by her illnesses that she remained in bed for nine years. She spent the last nine years of her life alone.
On 23 February 1969, at the age of 36 due to heart disease, this very beautiful actress of Hindi films said goodbye to the world.
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