Actress Yasha Shivakumar is a South Indian Model and Yasha Shivakumar wiki who will be debuting to Kannada film industry with movie ‘Padavipoora’. Yasha Shivakumar images has bagged three crowns in one year- Miss Bangalore 2019 and Miss Karnataka International 2019, both of which were conducted by Fashion ABCD, and Miss Glory of Galaxy 2019 (Mumbai).
Additionally, Yasha Shivakumar pics is a trained Bharatnatyam dancer and is also well-versed in other dance forms like Kathak, freestyle, Bollywood, Manipuri, and Folk. Yasha Shivakumar has worked with renowned designers and photographers from all over the country.
Yasha Shivakumar will be working alongside other actors like Pruthvi Shamanur, Anjali Anish, and others. The film’s music is by Arjun Janya and lyrics are by Yogaraj Bhat, Santhosh Rai Pataaje is the cinematographer.
Here are some recent photoshoot stills of Yasha Shivakumar photos, captured by photographer Vivek Ponnappa